The Decimal Place Value Chart - A great tool that helps students as they're learning to read and write decimal numbers. We need to make sure kids understand the difference between a whole number and a decimal number.
Whole numbers are numbers like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and on and on..... They are the numbers kids encounter first when learning count.
Now, take a look at the number
at the bottom of the place value chart.
Can you see that the 4 is in the thousands place. 4000
The 8 is in the hundreds place. 800
The 2 is in the tens place. 20
The 9 is in the ones place. 9
The 1 is in the tenths place. 1
And finally, the 7 is in the hundredths place. .07
(More about these last two later)
So, when we put all of them together,
the number written out in words is:
Four thousand,
two-hundred eighty-nine
and seventeen-hundredths
Take a look at the table below to see how decimal numbers are written in words, written as fractions, and then written as decimals.
How We Say it | Fraction | Decimal |
seven and nine-tenths | ![]() |
7.9 |
fifty-seven and three-hunderdeths | ![]() |
57.03 |
three hundred-seven and eleven-thousandths | ![]() |
307.011 |
two thousand-one hundred-twenty five and nine-ten-thousandths | ![]() |
2,125.0009 |
What students need to know about decimal numbers...
Decimals like their fractions friends, give us a way to represent numbers that are larger or smaller than whole numbers. The values to left of the decimal point are whole numbers, and the places to the right of the decimal are less than one whole.
Now that you have a pretty good idea of how decimals work, you'll probably enjoy checking out our decimal games pages.
And here's a fun decimal activity you can print for learning decimals.
Place Value Chart: And here's another decimal place value chart for more practice. The number on this one is a lot larger. Ready for it....53,712,009.328. Can you say this number in words? If not, be sure to click on the link above for an explanation.
Looking for Place Value Games...
You might be interested in some of these place value activities below:
Here's a place value game that might be good for students who need a refresher. It's called Place Value Playoff! On the same page of Place Value Payoff link, you'll also find a Place Value "Concentration" game as well as a Base 10: Standard Form: Expand It: Write It activity.
We'll be adding more decimal place value chart stuff soon.
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